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CentOS Linux Live DVD with Server Running Apache, PHP and mySQL

When you use a Linux Live DVD like CentOS 6.3, you can easily setup and modify the Linux installation to suit your needs. However, the Live DVD or Live CD will not save any changes that are made because Live CDs or DVDs run on a virtual disk drive in memory. The benefit of using a Live installation is security against malware and its portability.

Nevertheless, you can easily take a Linux Live DVD like Centos and setup php / mySQL in minutes. Then, you restart httpd and you have a functioning localhost to test php / mySQL scripts. This tutorial expklains how to use a Live DVD to create and test php / mySQL scripts.

To install and use php / mySQL with Centos Live DVD,

1) Open the console (Applications>System Tools>Konsole)

2) Change user to root
a) $ sudo passwd root
b) Add password and verify
c) $ su – root
d) Give Password > Click Enter

4) Install mySQL.
a) $ yum install mysql-server mysql php-mysql  
b) Select Yes(y) when necessary.

b) /etc/init.d/mysqld start

5) Login to mySQL to check it out
a) # mysql > Enter
Now, you have access to the mySQL console and can create and edit any database.
b) To leave mySQL type:

6) Install php
a) #yum install php
a) Select Yes(y) when necessary

7) Restart the Apache service.
a) # service httpd start

8) Type: localhost in a browser to see a test page.

9) Use Vi or Nano to create files and store them in the www folder. For example, the file test.php in the ww folder can be viewed in Firefox with http://localhost/test.php
To create a php page,
a) # cd /var/www/html
b) nano test.php