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How To Make a Simple Facebook Application

The most basic Facebook application is one for which Facebook allows you to create an Iframe for which you page will run inside of Facebook. This is very similar to using an iframe in HTML. The applications will be listed in the apps section of your profile.

Sign Up

1) Create New App >Fill in :
App Display Name >App Namespace >App Domain

2) App on Facebook >Canvas URL ie) >Secure canvas url(ie)
Wait for canvas url to appear underneath the secure canvas url

3) Website >Site URL

4) Edit App >Settings >Advanced >Add Privacy Policy URL >Save Changes

5) Settings >Auth Dialog >Add a Headline and privacy policy url >Save Changes

6) Open Graph >Dashboard >Set Rules for people using your app
Note: At the very least you need an object type for iframe. Type ‘website’.

7) Select Apps >Desired App
It should display:
Actions         Objects         Aggregations
Use              Website         Most recent use(global)

Note: You may have to add your first or other apps to your facebook account.

After Canvas Page propagates,
Type Canvas Page in browser (ie.) >Click Install

Now, you should be able to see the app when you login to Facebook. You may need to make a few adjustments so that the public, friends and you can view the app.

But, you can do a few more tweaks so that it can be publicly displayed and installed. Then, other Facebook users can use it.

To get a token,
1) Select Apps >Edit App >Use Graph API Explorer >Submit

To make app publicly available,
1) Settings >Auth Dialog >Default Activity Privacy >Public

To find errors in application development,
1) Select Apps >Choose App >Use Graph API Explorer >Get Access Token and copy the token string >Apps >Edit Settings >Use Debug Tool >Insert Token >Debug >Scopes could read publish_actions or be blank

2) Select Apps >Select App >Insights >Diagnostics