Site Cloner PHP Script
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Standard Output With Linux

Linux uses three standard program communication streams; STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR. The three streams represent standard input, standard output and standard error. The tutorial will detail standard output.  

With Linux, you can create a new file with an editor, or, you can redirect output into a file.

 Nano Sample

1) Create the file with nano
root@vps [~]# nano myfile.txt
2) Write text
3) Save file
4) Exit nano

 Standard Output Method To Create a File

1) Use > to redirect output to a file called myfile.txt
root@vps [~]# echo "New text goes here" > myfile.txt

Furthermore, with output streams, you can run a Linux command and output the results into a file

Sample #1
root@vps [~]# echo $PATH > test2.txt
root@vps [~]# cat test2.txt

Sample #2
root@vps [~]# ls -lt > test3.txt
root@vps [~]# cat test3.txt
total 4576
drwxr-x--- 15 root root    4096 Dec 25 08:25 ./
-rw-r--r--  1 root root       0 Dec 25 08:25 test3.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 root root     157 Dec 25 08:23 test2.txt
  Adding Standard Output to a File
To add a new lines to a file,
1) Type the following commands.
root@vps [~]# echo "New line" >> test2.txt
root@vps [~]# cat test2.txt
New line
root@vps [~]#