Site Cloner PHP Script
Bargain Hunter PHP Script
Job Hunter PHP Script
Site Login and Access Control PHP Script

WordPress Move Website

To Copy a WordPress installation and not use the previous installation,

1) FTP files to a new folder like
2) Alter .htaccess to point to new url
3) Go to phpmyadmin
4) Select wp_options
5) Edit siteurl > under option_name column change home option_value to new address >change recently_edited old url to new one
** Basically, change old urls to new ones

To Copy a WordPress installation and keep using the existing installation,
1) FTP files to a new folder like
2) Create a new database and dump data
3) change wp-config.php to new database details; database name, username and password.
4) Alter .htaccess to point to new url
5) Go to phpmyadmin
6) Select wp_options
7) Edit siteurl > under option_name column change home option_value to new address >change recently_edited old url to new one
** Basically, change old urls to new ones
8) Goto Settings > General > Add the proper WordPress address (URL) and Site address (URL).